Sunday, November 22, 2009

excellent first post!

So clearly I was in a bit of a crunch for time on my first post seeing as i mispelled Panama and wrote many incomplete sentences.

This keyboard is hell so this will be short also.

Panama city: Right now I can see over 17 high rises with cranes atop working day and night to build them. The city skyline is truly remarkable to witness, and the best news is my hostel has a great view out my window, which is actually two 20 feet high doors.

Kuna Yala: So I was in the Archipelago de San Blas while I was there to clarify. It consists of over 400 islands most of which are very small. The Kuna choose to inhabit just a small number of them, and many consist of one room of sand and 4-5 palm trees. The Kuna won "independence from Panama" in 1925 and are essentially governing themselves. They have their own judicial system, democracy, and way of life. They control their own infrastructure, or lack there-of, and maintain accurate border controls. However they are part of Panama would any major issue occur they are covered under Panamaian jurtisdiction. Pretty interesting deal if you ask me. When Panama gained indepence from the U.S., Colombians essentially supplied the Kuna with arms in order to gain protection for Cocaine shipments to Central America, but mainly the U.S.

Most of this I have read, or heard from a local source so read it with a grain of salt. Speaking of which I had my first shower of the trip today and it was immaculate!

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